Saturday, December 26, 2009


I know all you must have at least one source of messaging your friends, whether it is Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, Myspace IM, or any of the others not mentioned. Anyways, maybe this only happens to me because I am a loser, but have you ever been messaging with someone, and they say “GTG” or in another words “got to go” and you say something like, “okay, cool bye ttyl” but then after a while you notice this person never gets offline? leaving you with doubts about whether this person was really leaving or was just avoiding you. A lot of things go through my mind when this happens like maybe this person was gonna get off, but started another conversation with someone else and caused the prolonging of his leaving, because I know that has happened to me. I also start to think about how maybe this person is just a jerk and decides to not talk to me, and being the jerk that he or she is lied to me leaving me thinking he or she was going to leave, yet it never happened. This is just cruel people, so think of the person on the other side of the screen. Who knows maybe next time it will be you.
PS: Please join me so you can tell me that I am not the only loser, and that is has happened to you, and what do you think of this and what have you done about it!
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Saturday, December 19, 2009


For all those phone owners out there, I have one interesting question to ask you. Has your phone ever decided to act rebellious and has made you look like a fool by sending a text to the wrong person? I know my phone always does it. I am constantly texting people and at times some texts are sent to the wrong person. This little error not only confuses me because the person replies with a what are you talking about feedback, but it also ruins the conversation I had with the meant to be person because we get off topic, or I just never sent that meant to be sent text to the correct person, not continuing our little chat. For a long time I thought I was the only person whose this happened to, but I have asked around and apparently I am not the only one. In fact I have a funny story to share, which also shows how this phone incidents can be DANGERIOUS! One day my friend and I were texting about some dude, she was telling me about what a jerk and how stupid he was. And here is where the funny thing happens, she texted me something like this “Ugh NAME is so stupid blah blah blah blah” and the thing is, this text was obviously meant for me, but guess what? YES, she sent it to the person we were talking about! This was extremely funny at the time, but it was also one of those OMG moments, she panicked, but it all worked out for she is an amazingly good liar, and told him she was just fooling around, as if she sent it on purpose. Funny huh?
PS: I would love to hear your funny stories, I am sure you have some, so join me, and comment me. Peace!
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Saturday, December 12, 2009


Now in days songs don’t really make sense at least most rap ones. They are really catchy and a lot of people like them, but they simply don’t make sense. “Walk that walk”, “Turn my swag on” Etc. these are some of the famous lyrics of famous songs. People say that music is the poetry of now in days, they say back then people used to write poems for fun, and that music is the same fun for us except, well, modern. From country songs to pop to even hard rock, songs have a story to tell, and for us to listen. Now rap songs that's a different story, some do have the greatest blow minding lyrics I've heard, but there are just some resent ones that are very, very catchy like I said before, but the lyrics just don't make sense, or maybe they do, they just don't tell those stories I'm looking for. My little brother seems to love this songs. Me personally, I like music not by the genre or the year, but by the lyrics. Now this is just my opinion, I am not saying that they should stop or anything like that, for these songs make great club songs to dance to and well like my brother there are many fans. All I wanted to say is what's u with that, no story but great hits.
PS: Here is something to think about. Have you noticed how little Wayne is always talking or always mention toilets or going to the bathroom related lyrics in his songs, I know I have, just think about it, I find it funny. Maybe it's his favorite symbolism.
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Saturday, December 5, 2009


The other day I was once again browsing in Youtube to ease my boredom, and I found a very funny video of weddings. Apparently people seem to faint at weddings. It is very funny when the ceremony is going on and BAMM, there is that he or she falls to the floor. Most of the time it is the guys who faint or so I saw at the video. I also noticed that the main fainter seems to be the groom. This leaves me with many questions on why they faint. I have to admit that wedding ceremonies are extremely boring, so that could be a reason why they seem to faint. Also have you noticed how they don't really have food for you until everything is done, so maybe the lack of food is the reason. Or Perhaps it is as simple as the nerves, and excitement of the wedding. But then again I read the comments down below the video on Youtube and people mentioned something very interesting, they said that the burning of the candles, like the smell or something like that seemed to be a cause of the fainting. I tried browsing this on Google but had no luck, so you can try if you want to, you might have more luck than I did. Now I want to go back to the fact that the groom seems to faint a lot. And I came to the conclusion that maybe the guy's got cold feet. Maybe someone is having doubts about the HUGE decision the guy is making, and he is afraid to commit. So fellas out there my advice for the day is to be sure about your wedding, you don't want to look back at your wedding video and see how cracked your head open.

PS: Here is something to think about, maybe the guy is PRETENDING to faint!