Saturday, December 19, 2009


For all those phone owners out there, I have one interesting question to ask you. Has your phone ever decided to act rebellious and has made you look like a fool by sending a text to the wrong person? I know my phone always does it. I am constantly texting people and at times some texts are sent to the wrong person. This little error not only confuses me because the person replies with a what are you talking about feedback, but it also ruins the conversation I had with the meant to be person because we get off topic, or I just never sent that meant to be sent text to the correct person, not continuing our little chat. For a long time I thought I was the only person whose this happened to, but I have asked around and apparently I am not the only one. In fact I have a funny story to share, which also shows how this phone incidents can be DANGERIOUS! One day my friend and I were texting about some dude, she was telling me about what a jerk and how stupid he was. And here is where the funny thing happens, she texted me something like this “Ugh NAME is so stupid blah blah blah blah” and the thing is, this text was obviously meant for me, but guess what? YES, she sent it to the person we were talking about! This was extremely funny at the time, but it was also one of those OMG moments, she panicked, but it all worked out for she is an amazingly good liar, and told him she was just fooling around, as if she sent it on purpose. Funny huh?
PS: I would love to hear your funny stories, I am sure you have some, so join me, and comment me. Peace!
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