Saturday, December 26, 2009


I know all you must have at least one source of messaging your friends, whether it is Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, Myspace IM, or any of the others not mentioned. Anyways, maybe this only happens to me because I am a loser, but have you ever been messaging with someone, and they say “GTG” or in another words “got to go” and you say something like, “okay, cool bye ttyl” but then after a while you notice this person never gets offline? leaving you with doubts about whether this person was really leaving or was just avoiding you. A lot of things go through my mind when this happens like maybe this person was gonna get off, but started another conversation with someone else and caused the prolonging of his leaving, because I know that has happened to me. I also start to think about how maybe this person is just a jerk and decides to not talk to me, and being the jerk that he or she is lied to me leaving me thinking he or she was going to leave, yet it never happened. This is just cruel people, so think of the person on the other side of the screen. Who knows maybe next time it will be you.
PS: Please join me so you can tell me that I am not the only loser, and that is has happened to you, and what do you think of this and what have you done about it!
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