Saturday, November 28, 2009


My topic for today are pet peeves. Now I do not know whether we only get to have one or be like some people and have hundreds, depending on the place you are. Every person has their own different pet peeve; some share them and are annoyed by the same things. I know lots of things annoy me, but I have only one pet peeve in particular. If I am out, it doesn’t really matter where I am at, whether I am, at a store, a restaurant, at a wedding, you name it. My one and only pet peeve has got to be children who don’t behave, I am sorry but I just can't stand them, I do love kids, specially the babies, but there has got to be discipline (cough… PARENTS…cough) I remember that when I was younger, if I dared to do a stunt on my mother she would give this pinch on my arm, it sounds a little mean and harsh, but now I see why she did it. There is nothing uglier than a little brat acting spoiled in public. But enough about me and my pet peeve, what I have to say is, what is up with people with hundreds of pet peeves, people always tell me of their main annoyance and they seem to have a bunch, so what I say, is there is nothing wrong with choosing one, one in particular u hate and detest the most, one that just grinds your gears.
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